CIE-IIIT Hyderabad is happy to announce the launch of 1st cohort of "Tvarit microaccelerators - Product Strategy 101" - 2 month mentor led program leading to startup strategy. Read More
CIE IIIT Hyderbad hosted "Founder Chronicles" session with Umesh Thota- CEO&Founder AUTHBASE on 13th september 2019
12 Hours of "Ideathon" hosted by CIE-IIITH in partnership with BJS on 14th September 2019
Delegation from 19 countries as a part of their agriculture extension program for sustainable agriculture, visited CIE-IIITH to understand the innovation and incubation models. 19th September 2019
A delegation of 25 IAS officers visited CIE IIIT-H to explore on opportunties to work with startups 18th september 2019
Dirk van Quaquebeke- Managing partner-BEENEXT Ventures at VC speaker series session hosted by CIE-IIITH on 23rd September 2019
Prof.Nimmi Rangaswamy (IIIT-H), Krishna Kiran Kasturi (Apxor) and Murthy Kotta ([x]cube LABS) speaking on role of HCI in age of AI at USTAH meetup on 28th September 2019
Yogesh Agiwal- Founder & CEO Crossover Leadership Partners speaking at Start.Ops Session on "Reataining Talent in Startups" hosted by CIE-IIITH on 1st October 2019
Leadership team from Honeywell visited to explore the startups at CIE-IIITH on 24th September 2019