CIE brings to our Deeptech community,
Fire Up Founder Insights series 2nd edition, hosted by our COO, Mr. Ramesh Loganathan. The series is brought to you as a part of Startup Gyan Blog series by CIE-IIITH where we feature our founders and talk about their Startup status and the journey so far through conversation on specific topics useful for other Deeptech startups and the community at large.
In Conversation with Krishna, Cofounder Apxor:
Apxor was started in 2017, by “techies” for the apps to gage into your user insights in order to understand theirs needs. The team naturally faced difficulties in making their tech idea into a business and hence approached mentoring and advisory. It has been a long journey for Apxor from working with a bunch of lesser used apps to helping biggest apps in India with millions of daily active users.
Watch the complete Interview to know how Analytics can help your app to get more users and retain the existing ones: