at IIIT Hyderabad
Technology Innovation Hub for Data Banks, Data Services and Data Analytics (TIH-Data) established at International Institute of Information Technology Hyderabad (IIIT-H) under the National Mission on Interdisciplinary Cyber-Physical Systems (NM-ICPS) scheme.
Focus Areas
IHub-Data aims to solve problems on Indian roads & driving conditions using data-driven technologies using techniques from machine learning, computer vision, computer graphics, computational sensing and allied areas to create situations and aid transfer of solutions across diverse practical situations that one could anticipate across Indian roads.
Healthcare and Artificial Intelligence (HAI) at iHub-Data aspires to foster a culture of AI research where technology advancements are intertwined with the societal impacts at population scale health and well-being. Key areas include, Cancer Diagnostics, Data Driven Drug Discovery, Neuro-Mental Health, Public Health.
Benefits for the EIR fellow
- INR 7 Lakhs Grant
- Idea or Opportunity Validation
- Mentoring from Research Labs
- Market Access(GTM)/Strategy Review
Only for Applicants who are working full time on developing the solution, Deeptech startups seeded from research labs, solution is either in Prototype Development, MVP, Pilot, or product development stage.
Perks: Grant Opportunity of INR 1 Lakh
Benefits for the EIR fellow
- Technology
- Idea Validation
- Approach & Product Development
The journey from Zero.2.One is a daunting journey for a start-up. ZeroTo1 LAB will be an unconventional straight forward program for 3 months, where startups will be given necessary mentoring/resources to get to the first customer and first fund. It prepares the start-ups to build capabilities for scaling beyond.
Benefits for the EIR fellow
- Seed Fund Upto INR 10 Lakhs
- Investor Connect / Support for follow on fund raising
- Market access / Customer connect
- Tech mentoring
- Product development support
- GTM strategy review/formulation
Who can apply ?
- The program is designed for MVP-ready, pre-revenue and initial POC stage startups.
- The startup should have a working product with a clear product roadmap and the founder(s) should be full-time on the venture.