Connecting Emerging Tech with Enterprises: In conversation with Jignesh, founder PerspectAI

CIE brings to our Deeptech community,

Fire Up Founder Insights series 5th edition, hosted by our COO, Mr. Ramesh Loganathan. The series is brought to you as a part of Startup Gyan Blog series by CIE-IIITH  where we feature our founders and talk about their Startup status and the journey so far through conversation on specific topics useful for other Deeptech startups and the community at large.

In Conversation with Jignesh, founder PerspectAI:

Started in 2016, Loop Reality was about leveraging VR to develop a parallel learning-by-practising or experimenting platform. The Startup faced challenges around taking the tech-enabled solution to markets as it was too early for VR in Indian markets. The Startup tried to launch another VR & AI based product for fitness but ended up closing that too for the same too-early-to-market reason.

A team of fresh graduates, keen on experimenting with new products and with a sound knowledge and resources for deploying VR, stopped at nothing. They started to take PoCs from Enterprises for survival leading to the inception of in 2017 while shifting to mobile-based application from VR.

Current Enterprise opportunities

The Startup which was originally offering games for Talent acquisition to Enterprises, found new opportunity amid COVID-19 crisis. It has now launched Bit COVID 19 game to engage employees working remotely while generating a psychometric report per employee based on the game score.

Connecting to Enterprise

  • Build connections through Corporate Accelerators
  • Take advantage of your network through partners, collaborators etc.
  • Work closely with an existing client to make your way to identifying other problem statements
  • Keep track of the technologies that an enterprise is currently working with
  • Explore different segments and introduce your product to multiple markets
  • Develop a complementary model instead of an incompatible one for your client

The Growth Hack tip:

“You might be an innovator, a visionary but all that won’t work unless you make profits today”
Sell your product before building it.

Watch the complete interview for some cool anecdotes and fun facts!

Keep watching this space for more under Fire Up Series.
Stay safe and sound!

– Sunita Kumari, Team CIE